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Prom Hair Ideas

You may already have your dream prom dress picked out, but have you figured out all of the details yet?! Deciding on your nails, shoes, accessories and glam can be hard, so we are here to help! Picking out the perfect pieces to make your prom look complete mostly revolves around your dress. 

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You Deserve Some Self Care!

This time of year is so fulfilling with holidays, family gatherings, etc. Yet, sometimes it can be downright exhausting. The hustle and bustle of our day to day lives, in addition to holiday prep and shopping, can be so tiring. You deserve to take some time for yourself to relax and recharge - you need a self-care day!  Okay, maybe you don’t have time to devote an entire day to rest and regain your energy - that’s okay. The smallest things and shortest time windows can work to let you soak up some self care. One super easy thing you can do to relax is to take a long, warm bubble bath. Light a candle, play your favorite playlist and...

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Spooky Halloween Makeup Looks

The countdown clock to Halloween is ticking! We are just 2 days away from the spookiest night of the year! If you are scrambling for a last minute look, we’ve got your back, sister! Makeup can easily be your whole costume, the actual outfit won’t matter if your makeup is on point! We rounded up a few gorgeous Halloween makeup looks, that are also easily attainable if you aren’t a guru when it comes to liquid eyeliner!  Starting off super easy with this one - pale base, dark eyes, dark brows and a super dark lip. This makeup look paired with middle parted braids and a black and white outfit and you will be the newest member of the Addam’s...

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