Cozy Blankets are the Move!

Okay, who else is totally obsessed with cozy blankets? We know that we are, and what better time to write about it than January! Now whether you are obsessed with cute little sherpas or chunky knit ones, a cozy blanket is something everyone needs!

We’re going to start this post out with the infamous chunky knit blankets. Now, this blanket is super popular with influencers on Instagram and is absolutely everything to fans! Plus, it’s a total DIY project.

Next to the sherpa blankets. These aren’t as trendy as the chunky knit blankets but they are still super cute. These blankets are also super duper cozy and come in every color!

Finally, we have the faux fur throws. These are obviously the decorative sister of the blanket family. She adds an expensive taste to any room. This blanket also makes a perfect accent for your room!